Saturday, February 13, 2010

Justin Peters: The Hurt of Healing

This is taken from the Justin peters seminar "A Call to Discernment" in the session on the views held by Word of Faith/Prosperity preachers' view of the Gifts of Healing and how it compares to scripture. Justin himself has attended numerous Benny Hinn crusades and has been witness first hand to the harm, both physical and spiritual, that the "Health & Wealth or Prosperity Gospel" inflicts upon so many.

Let me say that this is not an attack upon those who affirm the continuation of the gift of healing, nor is it a denial of whether God can still heal and move in the miraculous today - on both I wholeheartedly say "yes!". However as you wil see, what is often publisiced by the likes of Benny Hinn and other prominent Faith Healers is far from being close to the biblical model:

Part 1 - Do large numbers of adherants indicate truth? Does the working of miracles vindicate one's allegiance to God? Can one truly preach the Gospel without Signs and Wonders? Is it always God's will to heal? Does Christ's atonement necessarily guarantee that you will be physically healed?

The Hurt Of Healing (1 of 4) from BRANDED MINISTRIES on Vimeo.

Part 2 - How did the servants of God in the Bible deal with healthy and affliction? Is it the Holy Spirit or is it Psychomatic? Why aren't miracles more frequently seen outside of church meetings? Does anyone really get healed at a healing crusade?

The Hurt Of Healing (2 of 4) from BRANDED MINISTRIES on Vimeo.

Part 3 - How do Faith Healers justify financial fraud? Do Faith Healers ever get sick themselves? Why don't people get healed every time? What kind of faith drives the "Prayer of Faith"?

The Hurt Of Healing (3 of 4) from BRANDED MINISTRIES on Vimeo.

Part 4 - Does God ever use suffering to accomplish his purposes?

The Hurt Of Healing (4 of 4) from BRANDED MINISTRIES on Vimeo.

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